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Q. ‘Who needs a Life Coach?’ 

A. ‘Everyone!’ 

Having someone alongside you, to believe in you, encourage you, challenge you and cheer you on, can make all the difference when addressing those long-standing issues that you consider to be a hindrance to enjoying life and to fully expressing who you are. Coaching not only promotes personal growth in order for you to reach your goals and enjoy success, it also assists you to become more confident and happy within yourself, and in so doing, allows those around you to enjoy more of your unique contribution. With increased self-awareness and familiarity with the coaching tools and techniques, you can become your own self-coach, and also be better equipped to help others too.



Seasons may come when we feel that we have lost track of our pathway and struggle to find our joy; it is at these times hope holds us steady. Like many of us, the researcher Brené Brown recounts, ‘I always thought of hope as an emotion – like a warm feeling of optimism and possibility. I was wrong. Hope is not an emotion; it’s a way of thinking’. This reassures us that hope can be learnt! Ideally, we learn hopeful thinking whilst growing up, but sadly our formative experiences were not always helpful and may have left us lacking in confidence, feeling worthless or battling with anxiety and depression. Using C.B.T. methods, we can address shame, fear, anxiety and unhelpful patterns of behaviour, in order to forge new positive pathways in our thinking and reconnect with joy.

Coaching for Carers

Coaching for Carers

Many of us may become unpaid carers at some point in our lives, and this can be a life-changing experience. Caring often comes with relentless demands on our time, energy and emotions, together with constraints on our focus and freedom of choice. The progress and improvement of those we care for may be painfully slow, or even declining, and at the end of each day we may wonder whether we will ever be able to dream again. Coaching is about shaping our world from within our caring role, balancing giving-out with self-care, restoring optimism, considering new possibilities and reclaiming life.

Faith-Based Coaching

Faith-Based Coaching

Do you long to fulfil your purpose in life, and align your decisions and choices with your beliefs, gifts and passion? By exploring your personality and strengths with the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, addressing self-limiting beliefs, and drawing on the ‘Six Pillars’ (Mark Virkler) for wisdom, coaching can help you to face your future with clarity and confidence. 


Although faith can be fulfilling, strengthening and comforting, we may also experience times of confusion and challenge, as we face emotions such as disappointment, shame, anger and loss. As a Christian for over 40 years, and trained in Forgiveness Therapy, I can be a sounding-board for you as you share your story, and together we can explore routes for you to access greater peace, freedom and wholeness. 


Whilst those of all faiths, or of no faith, are welcome and can be empowered and enriched by coaching, in the context of Faith-Based Coaching, my spiritual knowledge and experience is specific to Christianity. Forgiveness however, is not dependant on a faith to be effective. 

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For those who regard themselves as visual learners, those who enjoy art and crafts, or those who are just curious to experience how creativity can enhance well-being and promote personal growth, Creative-Coaching is a unique method of approaching change and working towards a more fulfilling future. In our left-brained culture, where verbal and analytical reasoning are highly prized, we can forget that the other half of our brain has a vital part to play in our development as a whole person. As a qualified Art Teacher, experienced Freelance Designer and imaginative thinker, I can assist you to engage in creative activities, look at problems from a new perspective and access ideas and solutions that you didn’t realise were there all along. No prior art experience or particular level of skill is necessary; we are all innately creative, but we just may not recognise it!


Kid's Coaching

Even though you are young... your thoughts, feelings, hopes and dreams are valuable and significant, and really, really worth exploring.

How you feel about yourself and your circumstances now, can powerfully impact your confidence and self-belief later on, shaping the choices you make as you get older. So it's really Important that you have the opportunity to positively impact your future, by giving your inner world a little bit of attention now.


Kid's coaching is based around fun art activities which allow you to relax, enjoy your natural creativity and explore your thoughts and emotions as they bubble to the surface. Although sessions are structured, this is a 'no-pressure' time... just for you... because you're worth it.

©2023 Vickie Brooks

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